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Sunday, December 4, 2011

Dinner with Audrey and Satoko, Talita's birthday party

Saturday was an exhausting but satisfying day. 
In the morning na class, so i did necessary shopping as Kenny was supposed to come in the afternoon to clean the appartement. Unfortunately he did not show up, so i had to spent some hours on Sunday to do it myself. Saved me € 40 doing it myself. Was not as bad as i though i would be. The appartement is now cleaner as it was when i arrived.
From 12.30h till 15.00h we had a demo where Chef Caals made an awfull bouillabaisse, it was almost a sauce instead of a soup. According to the recipe this is how it was meant to be, according Caals. 
In practical from 18.30h till 21.00h i made (if i may say so) a FANTASTIC bouillabaisse. I am really proud, especially as Chef Caals came in the practical, tasted my bouillabaisse and acknowledged that this i a far better method than he did in the demo. Ofcourse i made my own recipe and did not follow the recipe at all and Chef Caals was obliged to follow the recipe. We received really huge rascasses, and when Andre sents me the pictures he made, i will add them later. This was also the last practical from the week where i was assistant with Talita and Hee-Dong. Good that i have that behind me.

After practical quick home to change shirt, wash myself to try to get the fish smell off my body. I still smelled the fish when i was in the restaurant though. 22.00h i was in restaurant J'GO where i expected to meet Audrey, Ingrid, Satoko and Giorgio. Giorrgo and Ingrid were for some reason not there so i squeezed myself in at one of the world famous small Parisien tables.

Below a video from the kitchen of J'Go

Audrey and Satoko had already finished their main dish and i was not hungry after eating some od my bouillabaisse i just drank some coke and we shared a bottle of wine.
It was a restaurant with a fabulous atmosphere. Two groups of french people were singing, overpowering themselves towards the others, so the longer the evening, the better the atmosphere. Excellent choice Audrey!

Unfortunately both Satoko and Audrey were too tired to go to Talita's birthday party
We just catched the last Metro home, so i was home 1.00h, where i needed to take my medication before to go to Talita's place, neat Mary D'Issy. As there were no Metros anymore i noted the way to het on a piece of paper, too a Velib bike and biked all the way to Talita. 2.10h i arrived and the party was still in full swing. I was not the last as together with me 2 other guests arrived.
It was a good party, wine, food, good company, what more can you wish for.
As i had the Velib, i also had to bike back after the party, Tzu-yen accompanied me and after a dangerous sleep-druk ride back, i was home 4.12h. See some fotos of the party below.

Dinner with Audrey and Satoko

Satoko, Bernie, Audrey

Talita's birthday party


At home: 4.12h

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