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Monday, November 28, 2011

So what did we cook since last Tuesday

I am running a little behind on my blog, so let me give you a quick update on dishes we made since last Tuesday.

Oysters from arcachon with tender leeks
Bordeaux-style duck breast. Fondant potato rounds, pan fried cep mushrooms with unsmoked bacon
Bordeaux Cannelés

Les Huîters du basin d’arcachon et fondue de poireaux

Magret de canard à la bordelaise; palets de pommes de terre fondants, poêlée de cèpes à la ventrêche

Les cannellés Bordelais


Upside-down tomato and fennel tart 68
Lobster a la amercaine; rice with raisins
Chocolat cream souffle with orange ice cream

Tarte Renversée à la Tomate et aux fenouil confit

Homard ‘` l’américaine, riz aux raisins
Chocolat cream souffle avec glace d'orange

Thursday: Chef Invité: Dennis Rippa: Là Méditerranée, Paris 6

Thursday we had an invtred chef who has won several prices and demonstrated his signature dishes:

Noix St. Jacques de la Baie d'Erquiy, fine Purée de carotte jaune au gingembre frais
Supions farcis au jambon cru, emmental et pesto, jus parfum de piperade

Noix St. Jacques de la Baie d'Erquiy, fine Purée de carotte jaune au gingembre frais

Supions farcis au jambon cru, emmental et pesto, jus parfum de piperade

Thursday evening

Aspic coated chicken with country bacon and Chablis wine
Chicken stuffed wit foie gras mousse and pistachios
White sausage with apples

Gelée de volaille au lard paysan et vin de Chablis

Ballontine de Volaille à la mouse de foie gras et aux pistaches

Boudin Blanc aux Pommes


As it took u a long time to clarifiy the cooking fluid of the ballontine, we in fact made only one dish and tasted Thursday eveing dishes.

Sea bream and tomato Jelly mosaique with salad in a crisp pastry

Mosaique de Daurade et tomates en gelée et sa petite salade dans son croustillant

“Flame cake”vavory bacon. Onion and cream tart
Trout stuffed with morel mushrooms and braised in Riesling wine
Alsatian-style sauerkraut


Truite farci aux morilles et braise au Riesling

Choucroute alsachienne

So now it is time for weekend. Juliette has arrived yesterday, so it will be a nice weekend!

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